Lara from the studio is making the Liberty Quilt Jewel Palace Quilt BOM as a little bit of sewing fun. Each month, she’s sewing the blocks together so that we can show you the beautiful quilt as it unfolds.
It’s a month by month English Paper Piecing project that will grow into a beautiful Liberty quilt.
I asked Lara if she was enjoying the sew along. This is what she had to say.
“I’m thoroughly enjoying the project and am finding it really therapeutic. Once my children have gone to bed, out comes my sewing box. I sit and sew while my husband watches TV. It’s such a great way of winding down at the end of the day. It’s nice to see the blocks as they progress and it’s also exciting to see the quilt developing. I’ve been watching the Radiant Stars quilt grow throughout the year last year and have been longing to join in so, to be able to make this one is lovely. My favourite block so far is the red and blue block which is coming through letterboxes very soon – I’ve yet to finish it as it’s pretty mammoth but I just love the bold colours.”
Lara is sewing the ‘La Vega’ block below. You can see the papers that have been wrapped inside the Liberty fabric. Each paper piece is wrapped in Liberty fabric and then sewn together to make gorgeous patterns in a large quilt. This is called English Paper Piecing. If you fancy joining in with the sew along then simply see the Jewel Palace Quilt BOM here.
Here, you can see the front of the English Paper Pieced block. You can see how this builds into a full and beautiful block of gorgeous Liberty fabric. You can see that all of Lara’s ‘ears’ of fabric are pointing the same way – this ensures the fabric lies flat behind but it’s not essential.
One of Lara’s blocks from last month.
One of the most fun parts of designing this Quilt BOM was the production of Aurifil Threads to match the quilt. It was such fun matching up all of the colours to the Liberty fabric in the quilt. Lara has been using the Aurifil threads. This is what Lara had to say about using them: “I have found them lovely to sew with. The thread glides through the fabric and it’s super easy to thread the needle. It doesn’t seem to knot and tangle like other threads do.”
I’ve absolutely loved designing this quilt. It’s my favourite thing to do – putting lots of Liberty fabrics together in such a way as to create even more beautiful designs with beautiful fabric. We still have 11 months of sewing fun left with this quilt and it’s not too late to sign up. We have found that there is a lovely sewing community behind the quilt – there is a Facebook page where people from across the globe are sewing the same blocks, sharing handy hints, tips and ideas for further sewing projects which is fabulous to see.
Happy sewing everyone.