New Liberty Classics

Liberty have launched some lovely New Liberty Classics so I thought, what better to do than to share!

The Liberty design team have been playing around with the scales and colourways of some classic Liberty prints.  These sweet prints are small and medium florals with some William Morris influences too.  The prints feel rather like heritage prints from the past but recoloured or resized for modern use.

New Liberty Classics

 ‘Elysian Day‘ is from the Liberty archives and was designed in the 1920’s.  Although this new classic version is on the same scale, it has been recoloured.  I have four stunning new colours in this timeless print.

The fabric at the front in the picture below is called ‘Palmeira’.  I love the peacocks and deer standing majestically amongst the woodland in this pretty print.  We have just said goodbye to our very own Palmira in the studo.  It’s almost like Liberty have designed it to remind us of her.

New Liberty Classics

Willow Wood‘ from this collection is originally based on the William Morris design ‘Willow Bough’.  Morris’s designs were largely based on plant forms and this pattern was inspired by his woodland walks.  Willow was one of his favourite motifs to use.  It’s a great fabric to use for a wide variety of sewing needs.

I love looking at the new fabrics as they come into the studio.  It always sets my mind and heart racing as to what I will sew next.  Just wait until I launch the new silks in the next few week – oh my.  I’m dreaming of Liberty silk pyjamas already!

Love Alice
