Quilt SOS – The Journey to Hestia

Quilt SOS – The Journey to Hestia.  Last week, we finally managed to personally deliver the Quilt SOS quilts to Hestia in Croydon.  The wonderful Alice Caroline customers and staff have been making beautiful quilts for us to donate to the charity Hestia.  Hestia are based in and around London and run refuges to help … Read more

Quilt SOS Visit to The SOS Children’s Village of Islice

We’ve recently arrived back from Latvia to deliver the Quilt SOS quilts to the children of the SOS Children’s Village in Islice.  Below is our story of the trip.   We took 65 beautiful quilts, made by our lovely customers, and personally delivered them to the children. Each year we choose a village run by … Read more

Quilt SOS 2019 is Here

It’s finally here – Quilt SOS 2019.  For those of you who don’t know anything about the project, each year we team up with the wonderful charity SOS Children’s Villages to take beautiful hand made quilts to the children of a whole village.  2019 will be our fourth year of supporting SOS Children’s Villages.  We … Read more

SOS Quilts Arrive in Poland

SOS Quilts Arrive in Poland

Anna and I have just returned from Poland and are delighted to be able to share our story with you.  All 66 wonderful quilts have now been delivered to a child in the Children’s SOS Village of Krasnik, south of Warsaw in Poland.   Tuesday 20th November 2018 We started out from the Alice Caroline … Read more

Beautiful Quilt Display

It was a great moment to see the Beautiful Quilt Display at the Festival of Quilts recently.  The Festival of Quilts kindly agreed to hang the SOS Quilts to showcase the charity project to their visitors.  Several of the ‘makers of the quilts’ came to visit their quilts as well as our stand.  I managed … Read more