The Platinum Jubilee Quilt for Quilt SOS

The Platinum Jubilee Quilt

This gorgeous Platinum Jubilee community quilt was made by lots of quilters all over the UK and USA, coordinated by Suzanne Campion and Leisa White. Suzanne and Leisa began these community quilts back in 2021 with their Love and Kisses quilt (click here to read more about that quilt!) and have been very kindly donating … Read more

A very generous Quilt SOS donation

Mireille's Quilt SOS quilts

Mireille from Luxembourg has donated an amazing seven quilts to our Quilt SOS project this year! A lot of hard work and love went into each and every one of these quilts. Each quilt is unique and comes with a sweet, hand-written postcard with a lovely poem on too. Thank you so much Mireille for … Read more